Wednesday, May 7, 2014

05/06 The collecting of sources continued

Today I searched for some references from some other articles I read.  I had to interlibrary loan about 10 more articles.  As soon as I am done doing my full-time sub job for the rest of the year I will layout my skeleton draft of chapter 2.

Won't be able to work Wednesday or Thursday, as I will be prepping for a big interview at Independence.

Monday, May 5, 2014

05/05 Comps Done, Let the work Begin

Did my comprehensive final exams for the program this past Thursday through Sunday, it was definitely an intense process and glad to be done.  I am glad to have these behind me and now I can really focus in on my dissertation.

Today I put a bunch of the articles I already had into Endnote so that I can use cite why I write with word.  I also requested some articles via inter-library loan and search education research complete using terms Twitter and Professional Development.

Tuesday:  I am going to be searching for more articles and start outlining Chapter 2